Karelle Photography » Houston Portrait and Wedding Photography

365 – 2009

1. I need to get photographs of the products I offer. This is a custom mounted story board from a newborn session.

2. A photograph of a sample album.

3. If you know me, you know I love to bake. Chocolate!

4. When I went to shoot Heather and Brandon’s wedding in Dayton, I was given this cute little tin full of red M&Ms – how sweet!! They remembered that I really like M&Ms. And I keep this little tin on my desk right here next to my laptop.

5. My first day of my 2009 Barranquilla trip – it poured down rain on our way to the hotel and flooded the street.

6. Day 2 in Barranquilla – each team went to a different church for Sunday morning.

7. This little guy is a cutie! If you saw him in person, you would NOT believe he’s only 4 years old!


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Barranquilla - If the photo of the flooded street was in November then you were pretty lucky to see it as you must have just caught the last of the rain of the wet season! They are working on putting a drainage system under the city – until then the arroyos are quite spectacular when there is very heavy rain particularly around (going down!) Calle 84. They are very dangerous – but I will miss them once they have the drains in.
What type of camera are you using in your travels in Colombia? I just take a small pocket size one – but feel tempted to take a more expensive 2500$ (inc. lens) with me but although very safe, I don’t want to attract too much attention!! If you take a “big” camera (bag) have you ever had any problems – I know you are not spending your time with the tourists in the North!
Keep up the good work you are doing there (plus I am sure it must be fun as well as gratifying)

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