I felt the excitement and anticipation as if I myself was an invited guest to Ana & Nathanael’s wedding! It was a wonderful sight to see these two be joined together as husband and wife, and even more exciting to see everyone else’s happiness as they encouraged and support this joyful marriage. I considered it such a privilege to be a part of such a meaningful and jubilant day! More to follow with their awesomely fun reception at Las Velas in Houston.
A recent sweet session with mommy. I love this little girl!!
Love it. Thanks for featuring us on Mother’s Day 🙂
Welcome baby girl! It’s so great to finally meet you!
HOla Madrina Le Habla su Ahijado De Cartagena He Querido Buscarla Para Saber De Usted Soi Deiner de Jesus Hernandez Mendez Esper o Que Dios La Continue Bendiciendo Asu Familia Y A Usted Cuidese Contactemosno
From belly to baby to now sitting up on his own, it’s great to see him again! We used both a country and a city look for him and his parents. Look for his one-year cake smash coming soon!