A happy bride and a proud father
Rebekah and Chad celebrate as they are announced as man and wife! I love their happiness in this shot and their genuine reactions.
Gah! This little guy is so adorable! Check him out in his 6 month portrat session with his monkey hat. And now he’s a year old. My favorite part of the session was, of course, the cake smash at the end. Mom got the cake from Three Brothers Bakery in Houston and it was amazing!! I may have to pick up my own birthday cake from them in July (hint, hint) 😉
Beautiful family
Standing on his own
His toy elephant
Playing with daddy
Noah and his ark
His first birthday
Messy baby
Love is in the air! We started off the session capturing a few shots with Kristin’s daughter and then proceeded with just Kristin and Jerry. I love being able to take a relaxed approach during sessions in which we walk around and shoot as I come up with ideas. My favorite part was watching how much they love each other and just letting them be “them”.
Sigh…..where do I begin……*happy face*
I was given the gift of time on Amy and Noel’s wedding day. It’s a wedding photographer’s wish to have more than 10 minutes to shoot portraits. Amy and Noel were excited to spend time shooting their portraits after their wedding ceremony. The light was perfect, the location was ideal, and the couple was gorgeous. The perfect recipe!