I love this spirited little lady and her beautiful curls! She keeps us on our toes and we never know what her portrait sessions will become 🙂
These girls and I have history! It’s been several years going that I get to meet up with the Rappold family for their yearly spring portrait session. They’re such sweet and beautiful little ladies and I look forward to watching them grow!
Chubby feet and little blonde curls….can we say “cute”?? This little girl was a trooper and made it through the whole sesion and kept giving us smiles. Such a beauty!
Working with friends makes portrait sessions that much more fun and working with super fun and happy friends makes it the best! We started out when big sister was a newborn and then when she was a year old. And now we have a little sister in the family! Can’t wait to watch them grow up together!
This baby is indeed the baby of the family and is loved and adored by his older siblings. His personality is taking shape and such a little cutie!