I want to thank my friend Erica for letting me shoot her just for fun! She was great! And check out the amazing Moroccan dresses that she wore. The green one is an actual Moroccan wedding dress. How cool is that? And did I forget to mention that there might have been some belly-dancing going on during the shoot??
I met up with Amy and Ben on a beautiful day up in Conroe. With a list of ideas and a large sampling of wardrobe options, we set off to do as much as we could before the sun went down. As self-proclaimed country bumpkins, we rode all over in a truck and shot at several spots including some great hay bales. And if you’re wondering what that odd contraption is that they’re standing in front of, it’s a hairick. Yep, that’s how you pronounce it. Trust me, I’m an expert now. 😉
I always wondered what that thing was called, now tell us what does it do?
love the new blog… miss the big pictures. 🙁
Check out the website for more information on 2009 Christmas sessions: http://www.karellephotography.com
PS We have Sinjin and Sassafras, not Gracie. I think when we said “Sassy”, you heard Gracie; however, Gracie comes from the root “grace” which is sadly not a characteristic that she possesses. She is full of love, but not grace.
Meet Megan and Jody and the rest of their family, Sinjin and Gracie. If you know me then you know I luuuv doggies so of course I wanted them to be a part of the photo session!
Megan and Jody have so much personality that sometimes I would catch myself just watching them and then I’d have to remind me to keep shooting……they were entertaining to say the least!
As a result of their session I am now familiar with the famous otters on YouTube. See if you can find the picture where they reenacted the scene 😉
No comments yet?! I’ll be the first – Megan, it’s a good thing that you’re the pretty one because…well, because Jody looks funny in a dress!
I loved working with this family!! Normally I wouldn’t think that 6-hour newborn session could be that fun for that long, but it totally was. To top it off, I discovered that I may actually like BBQ Chicken pizza. Who’d a thunk it? I can’t wait to watch little Baby Seminiano grow up!

dmontoya01 - Yes, we’ll do it!!
Erica Newman - I have more Moroccan outfits you know!!!! Let me know when you want to do another shoot!
Jacquie - I love, love, love her dresses…so awesome! Why didn’t I get married in a Moroccan wedding dress?
Ana - that dress is stunning – and the photos are great also!
Ashley K - Beautiful girl… love all the color… but my fave is number two.